If you don’t have several hundred songs under your belt, take a break from writing your own material and learn a few hundred songs.
Be able to do them vocal/piano or vocal/guitar in at least three different keys – and no capos for guitarists.
And when I say “Do them” I mean sit down by yourself and run through the song enough times that you would feel comfortable performing it for someone.
Not only is this respecting the successful work of those songwriters who came before you, it is connecting the dots of how successful people constructed songs.
It’s taking the time to find out that there is much more that is the same in a hundred songs than there is that is different.
Be able to do them vocal/piano or vocal/guitar in at least three different keys – and no capos for guitarists.
And when I say “Do them” I mean sit down by yourself and run through the song enough times that you would feel comfortable performing it for someone.
Not only is this respecting the successful work of those songwriters who came before you, it is connecting the dots of how successful people constructed songs.
It’s taking the time to find out that there is much more that is the same in a hundred songs than there is that is different.