I was in a music store a month ago giving some acoustic guitars a “test drive”. A father and his young novice guitar-playing son were checking out the top-end Martins and debating the prices. The dad asked if I could give his son some advice.
I asked how many songs he knew and he he replied that he hadn't leaned any yet.
I played a bit on the $3K Martin and then picked up a used $125 Yamaha and played the same thing again – and they were stunned how similar and good both guitars sounded.
“Given how many hours you’ve only played, for the most part, it’s all in your head, your hands, and your heart - not the guitar.
When I buy a guitar, its primarily about listening; not looking. Listen to the sound, don’t look at the price.
Do your dad a favor – don’t get that expensive Martin now – get it somewhere down the road. Someday you’ll be ready for it and appreciate it much more than you would today.
In the meantime, learn that if you want to buy things like guitars without looking at the price, learn to work and practice without looking at the clock.”
I asked how many songs he knew and he he replied that he hadn't leaned any yet.
I played a bit on the $3K Martin and then picked up a used $125 Yamaha and played the same thing again – and they were stunned how similar and good both guitars sounded.
“Given how many hours you’ve only played, for the most part, it’s all in your head, your hands, and your heart - not the guitar.
When I buy a guitar, its primarily about listening; not looking. Listen to the sound, don’t look at the price.
Do your dad a favor – don’t get that expensive Martin now – get it somewhere down the road. Someday you’ll be ready for it and appreciate it much more than you would today.
In the meantime, learn that if you want to buy things like guitars without looking at the price, learn to work and practice without looking at the clock.”